Trunkmonkey Midnight Run 2004

You just don’t realize how much time and planning goes into organizing a road rally till you try and do one yourself. On the surface, it seems like it should be pretty easy. Just drive around, create a set of instructions, make some copies and you are set to go, right? Not even close! I now have a new found appreciation of the time, dedication and sacrifice that every rallymaster puts into organizing a successful NER road rally.

In August it became clear that the two scheduled NER October road rallies were not going to happen. With this in mind, James Mackey and Chris Brenton of Team Trunkmonkey offered to create an event to fill the void. I mean, with two rally masters and two whole months to get organized, how hard could it be? We also had the added bonus that James had already logged countless hours identifying fun driving roads between Manchester and Keene New Hampshire with Kris Marciniak.

To make a long story short, it was a lot harder than we thought. The fun began just in identifying a good route. Its a lot harder than you may think to find lots of roads that people will find interesting to drive without the roads being too dangerous. You then have to figure out how to string these roads together into a 140 mile “course”. Add in the fact that we had roads we knew would be more fun in the daylight, while others would be more fun in the dark, and timing became crucial as well. Did you know that the eight mile road leading into Roxbury, NH “center” ends in a cul de sac? We found that out the hard way. It took nine revisions of the rally notes before we felt comfortable handing them out to competitors. The result was 136 miles, 50% of which were dirt, spread out over 14 checkpoints. Approximately 2/3 of the rally was run in the dark, meaning this was the only NER night rally for the 2004 season.

The effort however seemed to be more than worth it. 15 teams turned out to try their hand at the 6 hour course. For one of the teams, James White and Jennifer Sayers, it was their first event and they were unsure if their car would pass tech inspection. It quickly became clear that their brakes would not be safe for navigating the course. Luckily for James and Jennifer they were running a Subaru, for which Team Trunkmonkey stocks an abundance of spare parts. Some borrowed brake pads and one slightly used rotor later, and they were ready for the race and on time to boot. James and Jennifer took Dead Last But Finished (DLBF), but given it was a night rally and that they finished at all, says they can have a future in road rallying.

Some cross pollination took place as some of the NER Rallycross drivers turned out to try their hand at a road rally. Author Chabot and David Harris were scoring well through the first three checkpoints, when tragedy struck in the form of a broken fan belt. With no way to charge the electrical system during a night rally, they were forced to withdraw. The team of Adrien and James Cooper faired better in their 300ZX (Adrien normally runs a Subaru RS in Rallycross). They placed 11th overall 4th in Novice class, and even scored a zero on one of the legs! Not bad for their first event. The final Rallycross team, Matt Kennedy and Joshua Bressem came in with 431 points. This placed them 7th overall and 2nd in class C. Pretty impressive score when you consider that class C specifies that no odometer can be used, not even the stock unit.

Of course the fact that Matt and Joshua took second in class C hints that another team did even better with no odometer. That was lucky car number 13 which consisted of Laurel Richman and Nick Shectman who scored 2nd overall, and 1st in class C. Their score? An amazing 142 points! This included one leg of 80 points. Remove this one bad leg and they would have a score that a class A team could be proud of. Wow.

Other over achievers of the night included Barb and Kermit Brunelle. Fresh off of taking the top spot at the RAL road rally, they proved it was not a fluke by scoring 238 points to take 5th overall and 1st in novice class. Just beating them out in overall standings, and taking the win in stock class, was the team of Greg Miller and Steve McKelvie. The “big yellow truck” brought them in with a total of 216 points. Of course it was no surprise that the top spot fell to the team of Fred Mapleback and Paul Gosselin. They finished the 135 mile course with just 18 points (that’s 11 seconds off of “perfect time”). They had one leg of 6 points, but a majority of the checkpoints were scored at 1 point or less. A spectacular finish to a very long and hard rally.

SANSThe System Auditing, Network Security Institute proved to be a very gracious sponsor of the event. All entrants that pre-registered received their very own “trunk monkey” to help maintain ballast in the rear of their car (if you are not familiar with the performance benefits of a trunkmonkey, see for full details). They also received an adjustable clip light to help the co-driver read the rally notes during the night portion of the event. All entrants received a SANS pen and highlighter to make up the rally notes, as well as free “spirits” and food at the trophy party. As if that was not enough, extra trophies where handed out in novice class as an incentive for folks to come back to future NER events.

Of course it was not just the rally masters that worked hard at making this event a success. Scott Beliveau donated countless hours to the event in the form of two safety and mileage checks, as well as error checking of all the paperwork including the rally notes. Keith Casey (of AutoX fame), William Stearns, Kelly and Sean Sosik-Hamor (rally car #762), Kory Marciniak, Brian Knapp, Ian Bowers, Andrea Brenton, and again Scott Beliveau, all donated time to work checkpoints.

The checkpoint teams had their share of “fun” at the event as well. Local police showed up at four different checkpoints to find out what was going on. In two cases, they were blocking the checkpoint timing gear requiring the checkpoint workers to do some quick but polite talking to get them out of the way. We even had a number of locals turn up at some of the checkpoints to watch what was going on. Note to self: next year designate “spectator” areas at each of the checkpoints. Of course the most interesting obstacle was that checkpoint team 2 (consisting of Scott and William) had a van full of slightly tipsy women try and tempt them away from their checkpoint position. They never wavered from their post. At least that’s what they told me and they’re sticking to their story.

Look for another Trunkmonkey event at the same time next year!

Photos | Routebook | Rallymaster Notes | Directions | Entry Form | General Instructions | Results

The interior is almost back in the car…

Andrew and I drove up to Hatch Manufacturing in Groton, VT last night to pick up the last bits of my interior. Although we couldn’t get any welding done on the car the headliner and door panels are now mostly back in. That just leaves the rear seat and some finishing touches on the trim before the Essex Junction rallycross on Sunday. The headliner was the most amusing part and we managed to stuff it up between the cage and the roof…still no idea how that happened. Something about bending spacetime and unfolding the car and the cage around the headliner.

The DMS50s showed up…

We finally have suspension for the car. After sitting for two weeks in customs the DMS50s have finally made their way to our garage. Initial paranoia set in because the struts were rattling and oozing red goo but it turns out that that’s perfectly normal. The rattle is the foam bumpstop inside the strut and the goo is just the seal lubricant. No worries, no big deal. We’re on schedule to do the install on Saturday.

I’m dead sexy!

I ran down to HMS Motorsport yesterday to pick up some high density padding for the roll cage and try on fire suits. I’ve lost enough weight to start looking for uniforms and, I’ve got to say, I’m dead sexy in a fire suit. Sizing is still a little weird…my body is a 56 but my thighs and shoulders are a 60. So, since I’ll be grubbing around underneath the car at service, I’m going with a 60 to keep lots of slack and allow for movement.

US Customs pulled their head out of their ass…

I finally got a direct dial number to the US Customs office and bypassed the UPS Customs Brokerage. Inspector Hillman was more than happy to help me track down the DMS50s and find out why they’d been sitting idle in the warehouse. After verifying all of my information, getting values on the packages and running through the standard script of questions he started digging. Turns out the package was held for a random check but, since no one noted what they were checking for, the package was never actually put in the queue to be checked.

Inspector Hillman said that the package would be processed today or Monday and would definitely be on the truck on Monday. I won’t naively blindly believe him but at least I’m now talking directly to a customs agent instead of the customer service representatives at UPS who are looking at the same Web page that I am to get status on a shipment. Regardless, looks like we’ll find out on Monday.

Lovell and Freeman fatally injured during Oregon Trail SCCA ProRally

SCCA has issued an official press release regarding the accident:

HILLSBORO, Ore. (July 12, 2003) – Subaru Rally Team USA superstars Mark Lovell, 43, and Roger Freeman, 52, both of England, were fatally injured Saturday during the first special stage of the Oregon Trail SCCA ProRally event.

The first car away from the starting line, driver Lovell, and co-driver Freeman, left the prescribed course moments into the stage and struck a tree in their Subaru Impreza WRX. The two were pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel. Details of the incident were held until the families were notified.

“This is a tragic day for the world of rallying and motorsports in general, “said Steve Johnson, SCCA President and CEO, who was in attendance at the event. “Mark Lovell and Roger Freeman were among the best crews in the world, but they were also great competitors as well. Our prayers go out to their families, Subaru Rally Team USA and all of their friends and supporters.”

The duo who had been rallying together for twenty years were competingin their third event together of 2003. They entered the Oregon Trail fresh from success winning the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb of June 27. The 2001 Overall Drivers Champion, Lovell is survived by his wife, Julia, and his children Oliver and Thomas. Roger Freeman is survived by his wife, Alison, and children Becky and John.

A decision was made to finish Day One of the rally while information regarding the accident was gathered and after rally organizershad consulted with SCCA national staff, national safety stewardsand at the request of Subaru Rally Team USA Manager and close personal friend of Lovell and Freeman, David Campion. The field then ran an abbreviated schedule of stages later in the day. The rally will continue with the completion of the final six stages on Sunday as scheduled.

Two crash during Oregon Trail Road Rally

No names have been mentioned, but it’s fairly safe to assume this is Mark and Roger. I really have no idea how to feel about this.

The Associated Press

7/12/2003, 7:45 p.m. PT

HILLSBORO, Ore. (AP) — Two men participating in an Oregon Trail Road Rally event died Saturday morning when their car struck a tree, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office said.

The accident occurred at 10:53 a.m. on a gravel road in Washington County maintained by the Oregon Department of Forestry.

The victims were the first to drive the course and had apparently gone about nine-tenths of a mile when they lost control and struck a tree, sheriff’s deputies said. The car went airborne and settled in a ditch on the other side of the road.

The speed of the vehicle on impact could have ranged from 80 to 130 mph but investigators had not determined the exact speed.

Both victims were from England and were members of the pro-rally circuit. They were wearing helmets and all standard safety gear, deputies said.

The identities of the victims were not released pending notification of their families.

Much like certain aircraft, rally cars carry black boxes, which record engine information. Investigators recovered the vehicle’s black box and were examining it.

Members of the Oregon State Police and the Washington County Interagency Crash Analysis and Reconstruction Team were assisting in the investigation.

Unconfirmed deaths at Oregon Trail

There have been unconfirmed reports that Subaru driver Mark Lovell and co-driver Roger Freeman was involved in a fatal accident during stage one of the Oregon Trail ProRally. I usually leave the motorsports postings to but, if this is true, it will effect me greatly. This will be the second fatal accident in less than two months involving drivers that I know personally. I’m trying to hold myself together until SCCA confirms the rumors that have been floating around.

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